
Showing posts from February, 2013

Sixth Sense

So is there something called the sixth sense ? Have you ever felt an inner voice that tells you not to do something but you still do it only to realize later that had you listened things would have been different? I believe that there is some instinct, the sixth sense , beyond the senses of perception that tries to warn us before hand that something is not going to be good, that something does not feel right.  Probably we lost our sixth sense once we became civilized and stopped living in the jungles. Yesterday, I had this feeling that I should not go to watch a movie. Let the ticket go waste, but somehow i changed my mind and went ahead. Three hours later while returning from the theater I met with an accident, luckily did not get hurt much just bruises and cuts and no fractures. But the very fact that I met with an accident made me realize that sometimes you should just listen to that little voice in your head. Had I not gone to the movie I would  have not met with the acciden