
Showing posts from June, 2008

Still waiting for a reply..

On seeing how the Left was paralyzing India's Nuclear and Energy Future, I decided to write an email to the Leader of Opposition, Advaniji, for safeguarding India's interest and future. I thought that in these dark hours for the country, Advaniji would provide the guiding light to the country.However, its almost three weeks now and i am yet to receive a reply from Advaniji. On the contrary i was highly disappointed to know later that the BJP has taken a negative stance on the Nuclear Deal. I wonder if i will ever see the day in my life when our politicians come out of their narrow mindedness and look at broader issues of National Interest. Below is the mail that i had sent to Advaniji.. "Respected Advani Sir, It is really unfortunate that in a country where a majority of the population lives with less than 6 hours of electricity, where most of the Plan targets on Generation and distribution of electricity have been missed by the government, and most importantly when the g

Anand Ashram

As part of Shyam's Landmark Education's 'Self Expression and Leadership Program' (SELP), i and some of my colleagues and friends, got a wonderful opportunity to contribute to society. Shyam had narrowed down on an 'Old Age' home by the name 'Anand Ashram' on Bannergatta Road very close to IBM's Subramanyam Arcade office. A mail was circulated in IBM's On Demand Community about our intent.We got a good response from there and as a result we now had some company too!! I think all it takes is to take the plunge and start and as you walk the road you always get company. In Hindi, there is as popular saying which says that 'Uoon toh niklay thay hum akele, magar loog mitle gaye aur kaafila banta gaya'. On 25th May we went to Anand Ashram for the first time. To my suprise Anand Ashram was on Bannergatta Main road, just besides the IBM campus, the very same road which i traversed for three months during my training at IBM. And the irony was that