Obama or Romney?

So who will be the next president of US of A? Well, you might be thinking why would an Indian really care about who wins the US presidential race this year? Well, because we are all really living in an interconnected world now. Ripples in one side of the world become tsunami somewhere else! More so because last time when Obama ran for the top post, I must say that I was one of the millions who were inspired and believed in the promise of "Change" that Obama had promised. Things were really looking down then. Financial crisis, Iraq war, Afghan war, unemployment and so on and so forth.  Well, after four years probably am as confused as the Americans are. Did Obama deliver on his promise? Well, the economy may not be in great shape but its not that bad. The Obama care seems to be decent. But do I still believe in "Change" that Obama promised? Perhaps not!

The first presidential election debate this year highlighted Mitt Romney as a serious contender for the Oval office. In the first presidential debate, Romney overshadowed Obama big time. While Obama talked about his grand mother, Romney had his facts and figures rights and when the debate is about the economy to health care, the grand mama talk does not work. Somehow I get this feeling that Romney understands the US economic woes better and his health care act in Massachusetts has really worked well and probably could be a model for rest of the states in the US. But as an outsider I must say that what may look on the surface  might not real. We will have to wait and watch.

With the decisive time just closing in, i think this time the US elections are going to be very close. Maybe post Hurricane Sandy things might pan out quite differently! All I wish and hope is to see a stronger America in the coming years because a stronger US would mean a stronger India too. Cheers, To hope!


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