New year and new resolutions

Every new year almost all of us make new resolutions, we decide to do things differently this year, forget the past and focus on the future. But you know the reality, best put in words of Shakespeare, if to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels would have been churches!

 Most of us forget our resolutions within a month or so and then when an another year knocks our door then we make new resolutions again and thus the cycle repeats year after year.

This year I am taking a different approach to managing my new year resolutions. I think there is something that can be learnt from performance appraisals systems when it comes to resolution management and execution, setting the goals and periodically reviewing them! Well, only if my manager knew about this very basic fact! :) I think the key is not to be over ambitious and bite as much as you can chew, after all there is no manager to impress and no rating to be earned except the satisfaction and benefit that you will reap from your resolutions.

This year I am going to split the year into 4 quarters and set goals and targets. Evaluate each quarter and take corrective measures and then at end of the year do a self analysis of how I performed and set new goals.

You must be wondering what are my goals for this year. So here I bare my soul to you:

Be Fit- Once you hit the 30s it becomes essential that you take good care of your health. This year I am going to set my goal to get a six pack. I have been thinking about getting one for years and have been procrastinating for just too many years. I think its now or never! In addition to this, I also want to cultivate the habit of doing prayanam everyday!

Become debt fee- I want to clear off my education loan. Well, I did not save much in 2013 and 2014 and hence did not pay much of my loan amount, however this year I am going to get rid of my loan.

Learn analytics- Yes, I will finish the Coursera course on analytics this year.

Family and friends- Be in touch will all my near and dear ones after all they are the ones who matter in life.

Travel- I want to utilize my time in Australia and see this beautiful country as much as I can. NSW in 1st and 2nd  quarter, Victoria in 3rd quarter and Tasmania and Queensland in 4th quarter. NZ? Well may be next year!

Blog-Last but not the least, I am going to start writing blog posts again! At least one post per month if not more.

So what are your resolutions this year and how are you planning to manage them?

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Shashi Singh said…
All the best Enthu!

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