"I’m a dog chasing cars.."

"You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it" - The Joker

Warning: The content that follows is wacky and vague, read it at your own risk

Of late, a realization has dawned upon me. There is something missing, something that was so part of me, and suddenly it has subdued if not completely gone, it is rearing to raise its head, giving a call to start again.

As far as I can remember, it started in class 9th when I joined the race and started chasing something. Later I realized that I was chasing a 6 points in my board exams, well I did not win but got decent marks that was just enough to keep me running. I had tasted blood; I liked the thrill and adrenalin rush, I loved the chase. Who cared what the results finally were? What mattered was the chase.

Then I got into the next lap of the race and started chasing JEE. I must say that my character was formed during this phase of the race. When the lap ended, I had learnt a lot, made new and some real good friends and indeed had also lost some close friends. I learnt how life changes in moments and in small decisions which are so big. I left BIT’s Civil to join MIT’s E&C. To some it sounded crazy, but I am not sure if I would call myself completely sane. Then I thought that the race has somehow ended, however, there was a new lap that was beginning. Grades, A,B,C,D were what would determine one’s fate. I joined the race and after 2 years gave up and decided to relax. I had enough.

But guess what, I was wrong. If the other races were Olympics and Common Wealth Games, life was throwing open the gates for Winter Olympics. People would say that it did not matter whether you won a medal in the Olympics in +2, if you win a gold medal in the winter Olympics; it’s as good as winning a bronze and in some cases even Gold at the Olympics. However, I was too tired to run, but since everyone was running, I also ran. Well, I must say that I did not do very badly given my preparedness. However, now I had found a new chase.

One more year passed in the cool plateau in the South, slowly I realized that I ought to start running and begin my chase. For two years I ran and as the chase intensified the target went further and further from me. Lost and tired I got an opportunity to chill my heels in the Alps and when I returned, I decided to change the target of my chase. But this time the target chased me. In the end I gave in and embraced my target. Ya, I was satisfied at times, confused at times and miserable at times, because i wondered was it what I was running for? Was the chase worth it? Slowly, I let the feeling sink and accepted it as destiny. Perhaps I was destined to land in central India. Who know what destiny had planned for me.Here again In Indore I found a new chase, but this time the race ended abruptly, it is like I am in the middle of a dream and am jolted and I wake up and cannot believe what I see.

But as time passes by and I can feel my calf muscles tightening, there is a new adrenalin rush, I want to run again, and this time it’s towards the valley, towards the mountains, towards the plains, I want to run this whole country. The rules have changed and I am gearing up for the new chase and I know that this is bigger than the Olympics or the Winter Olympics and is probably more insane.


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